Twitter Tests Podcasts Tab on Mobile

Reputable reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong recently took to Twitter to share her discovery. Wong shared a tweet with a screenshot of the new Podcasts tab on Twitter. You can check it out right below. The development of this feature was also corroborated by another well-known reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi (aka @alex193a) in a tweet earlier today. Twitter is working on Podcasts tab— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) March 2, 2022
The Podcasts tab appears alongside the usual tabs in the bottom navigation bar of Twitter’s mobile app. Now, an important thing to note here is that the Twitter Spaces tab, which is currently available in the mobile app, is missing in the screenshot. So, could this mean that Twitter might replace the Spaces tab with a dedicated Podcasts tab on its mobile apps soon?
Now, there is no information on when the company might add the Podcasts tab on its mobile apps. So yeah, stay tuned for further updates. Also, let us know your thoughts about a dedicated Podcasts tab on Twitter in the comments below.