The e-commerce firm has reportedly asked Cyble to refrain from making any further ‘false’ claims about the alleged hacking. According to Inc42, the e-commerce company has given the US cyber-security firm a week to comply with its requests. In case of non-compliance, Paytm Mall says it will file both civil and criminal cases against the US company. In its legal notice to Cyble, Paytm Mall said: “The most astonishing fact is that since your organization is in the business of providing services around this area i.e. cyber threats, risks, and cyber security. Thus we expected more sensible, professional and ethical standards from your side”. Cyble is yet to reply to the legal notice, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out going forward. In case you don’t know it already, American cyber-security firm, Cyble, recently claimed that members of the John Wick cyber-crime syndicate had hacked Paytm Mall, gaining unrestricted access to credit card and debit card details of every user. Paytm, however, had immediately issued a denial, saying all its customer data was safe and secured.