Verse by Verse, as Google says, “is an experimental AI-powered muse that helps you compose poetry inspired by classic American Poets.” However, I really hope they become more inclusive when it comes to picking poets for inspiration. So, to make the system work, Google integrated a combination of two machine learning models: a generator trained on well-acclaimed poetry and a second model that helps you decide which verse will fit your poem. Now, this is how it works. After choosing up to three classic poets as inspiration, you have to select a form, rhyme scheme, and syllable count. This will bring you to the last step, which is feeding the AI-system your opening line. And Voila! The app will take your lines and will complete the entire verse all by itself. So now, you can hit the complete button and add a suitable title for your creation. I am no poet but I really wanted to give this a go. Hence, for my creation, I chose Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, and Willian Cullen Bryant as inspiration. The first line is my brainchild while the latter, I selected from the suggestions generated by the AI. And this is how it went:
So, if you want to write your masterpiece, you can check out Verse by Verse from right here. Also, let me know in the comment section below if you think that this is a legit way to help you set foot into the world of sonnets and limerick.