Best Skyrim Console Commands (Updated March 2021)
Here, we have enlisted all kinds of Skyrim console commands so you can easily navigate between weapons, skills, items, and more. On top, we have added the most useful Skyrim cheats so you can choose to be immortal and have fun all through the game. In case, you have no idea how to use Skyrim console commands then go through our mini-guide below.
How to Use Skyrim Console Commands
In order to use these commands in Skyrim, you need to press the “~” key on your keyboard. This key is located right below “Esc” and left to the “1” key. Pressing this key will bring up the developer console, where you can input and execute all of these commands in the game. You can also press the up and down button to move between commands. Now that you know how you can execute these commands, here are the 60 best Skyrim console commands.
List of Top Skyrim Console Commands
Most Useful Skyrim Cheats
1. Toggle Immortal Mode: TIM
This command will make your character immortal. It will still take damage but won’t ever die.
2. Toggle God Mode: tgm
This command will give your character all the abilities. Infinite health, stamina, and boosts, as if it were a god.
3. Resurrect: Resurrect <#>
This command will resurrect a dead NPC (Non-player character). If you use <1> then the NPC will be brought back to life with all the items. Using no number would bring them back without any items.
4. Start All Quests: saq (Replaces 8. Toggle Run Mode)
Start all of the quests in game. Fair warning, this might break your game so add a save before entering this command.
5. Complete All Quests: caqs
This cheat command will complete all the stages of each one of your quests.
6. Complete Quest: CompleteQuest
Skyrim Console Commands for Items
25. Add Item: additem
Major Skyrim Item Codes
- Add Lockpick: player.additem 0000000a 1 This cheat code will add a lockpick to your item list. You can use it to open any lock in the game.
- Firewood: player.additem 0006F993 1 With this Skyrim item code, you don’t need to wander and loot Firewood from houses. Just execute this command you will have Firewood in your item list.
- Lantern: player.additem 000318EC 1 Want to add a lantern to your item list? You are just one command away.
- Pickaxe: player.additem 000E3C16 1 This adds a Pickaxe to your inventory.
- Torch: player.additem 0001D4EC 1 Along with lantern, you can also add a torch to your inventory with this cheat code.
- Map Marker: TMM(0) This Skyrim command allows you to toggle map markers at all locations while playing the game. Keep in mind 0 is for off and 1 is for on.
Skyrim Console Commands for Perks
37. Add Perk: player.addperk
Skyrim Console Commands for New Skills
40. Add Shout: Addshout
Skyrim Console Commands to Increase Carry Weight
47. Set Carry Weight: player.modav carryweight X You can set carry weight even more than your own weight and your walking speed will not reduce. By default, the carry weight is set to 300. 48. Increase Burden: player.modav burden X Burden is a spell effect that allows you to increase your weight. However, with this code, you can temporarily increase your weight instantly. 49. Movement Speed: player.setav speedmult X If you feel you are too slow while walking or running then just execute this fun Skyrim console command and you can increase your movement speed. Keep in mind, X is modified by percentage here. 50. Set Stamina: player.setav Stamina X You can increase your stamina immediately with this command.
Skyrim Console Commands to Level Up
51. Level Up: player.advlevel
This command will level up your character. However, you won’t be able to get any perks by leveling up through this way.
52. Set Player Level: player.setlevel <#>
This cheat command will set your character level to any specified value.
53. Get Current Stage: GetStage
Skyrim Console Commands for Weapons
54. Iron Dagger: Player.AddItem 0001397E <#>
This will add an Iron Dagger weapon to your inventory. Replace # with how many Iron Daggers you need.
55. Ancient Nord Bow: Player.AddItem 000302CA <#>
If you are a long-time Skyrim player then it’s impossible that you don’t find the Ancient Nord Bow useful. Just execute this Skyrim Item code and you will get as many bows as you want.
56. Falmer Arrow: Player.AddItem 38341 <#>
Since you have the Ancient Nord Bow, you should also get the powerful Falmer Arrows in your inventory. You can add as many as you want.
57. Daedric Mace: Player.AddItem 000139B8 <#>
Want the dreadful Daedric Mace to destroy your enemies. Here is the item cheat code for you.
58. Give Dragon Souls: player.forceav dragonsouls <#>
You can give your character any number of dragon souls to use in the game.
Skyrim Console Commands for Gold
59. Add gold to Inventory: player .additem 0000000f 1000 This command will add 1000 gold units (depends on your choice) to your inventory. So, you will have as much gold as you want. 60. Fight Level: player.setcrimegold X If you want to play a tough fight, set a high value and if you want to be free then set the value at 0.
Ready to Try These Fun Skyrim Console Commands?
There are hundreds of other cheat commands for Skyrim but we have compiled only the ones we think are most useful for the players during gameplay. If you think there are other commands that can come in handy during gameplay and make it easier for the player, feel free to mention them in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to check out our list of games like Skyrim. I am positive you are going to enjoy playing them a lot.